Monday, January 16, 2006

More Introductions!

I have the great priveledge of introducing a new 'my old sketchbook' blogger to our group, though not a new blogger at all. As a matter of fact, Johnnynorms has been a long time sketch blogger, and has administrated the blog Elbowroom successfully for quite a while. We met while I was wandering across bloggerdom, and I have been a regular visitor to his excellent blog.
On all accounts, he's a great artist, and I hope you'll all give him a warm welcome!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Eucharisto and Evelina

Project1, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

Finally I have posted to My Old Sketchbook! We hope we're not too late. We were hoping you all would consider us fashionably late.
My name, Eucharisto, in greek, literally means 'To give thanks', which indicates the apparell worn at the first thanksgiving meal shared almost 400 years ago. My companion is Evelina, which means 'lifegiving', and she has brought joy and happiness, along with some delicious food to this good celebration.
Unfortunately, the means by which I was hoping to post this image is unusable at the moment, as that certain means happens to be at the computer repair store. Hopefully, the quality is ok for at least basic comprehension of the idea.
We are so very glad to be at this wonderful and festive occasion!

Friday, January 06, 2006


(More words later.)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

This picture is WAY too small

Sorry I'm late, I had a bit of a horseshoe problem on the way up here. But here we are... (More to come later, I can't talk now. I just wanted to get something up. Click on the image to see the rockin' cool detail.)

Real Post:

I love parties, and I wanted this one to go just right so I wrote a script for the entire evening. Here it is:




[THE FOOLISH KNIGHT enters the MAIN BALLROOM/SNACK BAR THING through the VERY LARGE AND COOL DOORS. He is mounted on WENDY (who has a BEEHIVE on her back). THE FOOLISH KNIGHT sees THE QUEEN OF ARTS AND ENGLAND and ERIOL chatting about ERIOL's poetry. ERIOL is nodding his head and waving his hands A LOT. THE FOOLISH KNIGHT's gaze quickly moves past them to SIR BERT BONO SHAKESPEARE WONKA SGT. OF PEPPER and THE DAWN waltzing to "Baby You Can Dive My Car". ERIOL and THE QUEEN OF ARTS AND ENGLAND join in on the "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! WHOA!"s. THE FOOLISH KNIGHT, confident that this is the time to make his big entrance, decides to speak.]

FOOLISH KNIGHT: Hey guys! What's up?

[At that moment MIDSUMMER and GAILLAR enter the room singing a duet they have memorized for the occasion from Andrew Lloyd Webber's, The Phantom of the Opera, and THE FOOLISH KNIGHT can no longer be heard over the enormous racket.]

ERIOL [pressing a button on a HEADPHONE in his ear, and speaking into a SMALL MICROPHONE]: Security, this the Big Man. We have a 2319. Commence operation 'Phantom Menace'! I want all available security all the floor NOW! PRONTO! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!

[Quickly the MAIN BALLROOM/SNACK BAR THING is filled with LOTS OF BIG MEN IN SUITS AND SUNGLASSES, who escort MIDSUMMER and GAILLAR out of the room through a BACK ENTRANCE. Their singing, though still audible long after they leave the room, slowly dies out and the party commences once again.]

WENDY [to FOOLISH KNIGHT, irritated]: Niieghhh!

FOOLISH KNIGHT [calmly]: I know, I know. That's one of my favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber songs too. Look, just give me time to make my big entrance and then we'll see if we can get Midsummer and What's-His-Face out of the clink.

[At this point the party is disrupted once again by the appearance of a GIANT QUESTION MARK and EXCLAMATION POINT, who begin bouncing up and down and correcting people's spelling. THE FOOLISH KNIGHT is, by now, very upset and, determined to get SOMEBODY's attention, beings to juggle the precocious punctuation marks and gargle "Jesus Loves Me" AT THE SAME TIME! EVERYONE stands back in amazement and awe. WENDY rescues MIDSUMMER and GAILLAR and, by WENDY's request they begin to sing "Ring Of Fire" instead. Soon everyone (filled with admiration for THE FOOLISH KNIGHT, because of his resourcefulness, uncommonly good looks, and sheer genius) is dancing, and the party is saved.]