Not any Phantom masque, but a truly glorious My Old Sketchbook Masque. Each one of the artists for MOS must draw their bloggity selves in a costume (with mask) that illustrate their blogger identity's. AND each artist must bring with them an imaginary companion of the opposite gender that complements the artist the best. All guests must arrive (posted, it's not real you know) between December 24th and January 6th. Please RSVP by December 6th.
Also suggest music that befits the occasion, so we can play it on our computers at home (don't you wish it was real?). If anyone show up with the slightest suggestion of Phantom, I will not throw you out, but I will throw a fit.
Not any Phantom masque, but a truly glorious My Old Sketchbook Masque. Each one of the artists for MOS must draw their bloggity selves in a costume (with mask) that illustrate their blogger identity's. AND each artist must bring with them an imaginary companion of the opposite gender that complements the artist the best. All guests must arrive (posted, it's not real you know) between December 24th and January 6th. Please RSVP by December 6th.
Also suggest music that befits the occasion, so we can play it on our computers at home (don't you wish it was real?). If anyone show up with the slightest suggestion of Phantom, I will not throw you out, but I will throw a fit.