Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Postcard

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

That Nothing Scanned May Go Unposted!

I drew this, stuck it in a book I was reading and forgot about it. Why found it later while he was reading the same book (he actually finished the book, of course).

Notice that there are no faces anywhere in the picture! I think this is a first.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ivor in the sand

This was a recent commission to go with a poem entitled "Ivor Cutler is Dead, Long Live Ivor Cutler". Ivor Cutler, a grand old eccentric poet, humourist, musician who died recently. He was the man with the wonderful Glaswegian deadpan delivery, a twinkle in his eye, and words which enthralled young and old alike. Anyway, it struck me that this looked like My Old Sketchbook material, so here it is.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Right-Side Up Parrot Named...

Hm... Well, I was going to tell you the name of this perky parrot-friend of mine. But maybe you would enjoy guessing at his name yourselves? What do you say? Let's give it a try, eh?